6 thoughts on “

  1. Funny article. It seems that when a technology becomes too accessible and widely used, some people who have chosen to use other technologies, which may be more difficult, have to berate it. It’s like people looking in a toolbox saying “Hammers suck! Hammers suck! I hate hammers! No one is using hammers anymore! Let’s get rid of all of the hammers! Hammers suck!” Of course the tune is different when you need to pound a nail….

  2. If you need a solution – guest book for nontechnical friend, php is a way to go!
    If you need to prototype something, php is a way to go!

    PHP developers can decide on what? How to invent that f*** wheel again? How much actively used loggers, mvc frameworks, data access layers, templating engines etc is out there for PHP and how much for such languages, where developers are forced to stay in some bounds, like java?

  3. @pig i do not know how many really use mvc frameworks. But i know this, all smart one do. cheers

  4. While I honestly agree that all the “PHP sucks”-posts are rather goofy and infantile, I don’t buy into the argument that PHP is good because it’s a “mirror of the programmer”… Trust me, no matter the language, it’s perfectly possible to write ugly code, and equally hard to write solid, beautiful, well-structured code that performs well and is easily maintainable.

    And on a sidenote, I think it’s just as dogmatic to say that all smart people use MVC as it is to say that this or that language sucks. In truth, it all comes down to using the right tools – programming languages, design patterns, et cetera – for the job at hand.

  5. Even I used to hate PHP bcz of poor performance and unmanaged code, but few things forced me to use it
    1) Heavy Demand
    2) OpenSource (Doesnt create hole in pocket of the client)+ Most of the Applications are ready to use( Just customise them)

    I would like to say only one thing at the end “ITS GOOD” though it still need lots of improvements


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