Incremental mindset means taking an idea and improving it in small iterative steps. Great things are build by people who keep their focus on an idea for a longer period of time then an average person, and kept improving it. It’s a believe that says, I may not know everything right now, but I will […]
Category Archives: entrepreneurial
Two things that keep me going
I have no idea how and why, but every time I feel low, one of these two pieces of poetry will automatically fill my mind and keep playing in loop till my spirits are back to normal and I am ready to take on the challenges presented to me. First one is करत करत अभ्यास के […]
3 Common Mistakes Newbie Entrepreneurs Make
I was in Mumbai last month for WordCamp, where I spent almost 3 hours talking to Annkur late in night and we ended up comparing notes on our entrepreneurial journey. Following Article is written by Annkur based on that discussion. After over 10 years of being an entrepreneur and seeing highs and lows of being […]
Who is the driver in your team?
Driver is usually the person with the agenda who keeps team together, focused on the task at hand and making sure team is going in the direction he wants. If you want something done by your team then you need to be the driver. In a team settings, we all know the importance being a […]
Which Story Are You Telling?
Whenever we are talking, we are telling stories from our life. These stories invariably fall into one of the two types
Are You Worthy Of Your Dreams?
I have been thinking about my journey of last three years as an entrepreneur, and various easy and hard times that I have seen. Wondering what makes few people achieve their dreams while few people fail to achieve it? What I have come to realize (or rationalize for me ) is that whatever your dreams […]