
CMB2 Conditionals is a plugin for CMB2 which allows developers to relate fields so one of them could only appear when one other have an specific value or when is not empty. Source: jcchavezs/cmb2-conditionals

Odometer — Transition numbers with ease

Odometer is a Javascript and CSS library for smoothly transitioning numbers. It is free and open source and was developed by HubSpot developers Adam Schwartz (@adamfschwartz) and Zack Bloom (@zackbloom). Source: Odometer — Transition numbers with ease


slider-pro – A modular, responsive and touch-enabled jQuery slider plugin that enables you to create elegant and professionally looking sliders. Source: bqworks/slider-pro

Awkward Showcase – A jQuery Plugin

Awkward Showcase is a plugin for the JavaScript Framework jQuery. We call it a Content Slider and you can add tooltips and enable thumbnails. http://www.awkwardgroup.com/sandbox/awkward-showcase-a-jquery-plugin/