ALS – Any List Scroller is the jQuery plugin by to scroll any list, of any dimension, with any content. Source: any list scroller – jQuery scrolling plugin by to scroll any list with any content – web design and development
JVFloat.js – jQuery / Zepto plugin to emulate Matt D. Smith’s floating placeholder text Source: maman/JVFloat.js
The following are the logical requirements that were considered when creating the API.Use as a clockUse as a timerUse as a countdownThemeable using pure CSSClean & Dry SyntaxAbstract everything into reusable objectsFull-Featured Developer API to create custom “Clock Faces” Source: FlipClock.js
The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker. Source: pickadate.js
Grid forms
Grid forms are dense forms designed for use in applications that require lots of data to be entered regularly. A tiny Javascript/CSS framework that helps you make forms on grids with ease.
JQuery ProQuo
jQuery ProQuo is a quick way to encourage your readers to spread your content through twitter. Simply define the regions in your markup that you would like to make “tweetable” and ProQuo will handle the rest. Source: JQuery ProQuo
iPicture – Tooltip your images
Tooltip your images – iPicture Source: iPicture – Tooltip your images
jQuery PicTip is a plugin that adds handy tooltips to your images, slideshows, sliders and more. Source: Pictip
A light weight jQuery plugin that will allow you to add a super simple rotating text to your website with little to no markup Created by Pete R., Source: peachananr/simple-text-rotator
This little plugin will let you automatically fix position of any container on your website with one JS call Created by Pete R Source: peachananr/autofix_anything