If you try to place labels for points on a timeline (or any 1D space), one common problem is the labels often overlap. How about making the labels push each other. Source: twitter/labella.js
A smooth, responsive jQuery plugin for collapsing and expanding long blocks of text with “Read more” and “Close” links. Source: Readmore.js
Categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items Source: Shuffle.js
jQuery Age
Age is a jQuery plugin that formats and tracks dates and times as human readable text. Source: jQuery Age
The plugin show a toolbar when a user finish reading an article containing engaging options (subscribe to newsletter, commenting & social sharing). It also include optional text for different period of the day. Source: posabsolute/jquery-engage
BBO – Paper Collapse
Simple CSS3 paper cards accordion. Inspired by Google Material Design. Source: BBO – Paper Collapse
A mini js+css library for flipping things over. Source: Testing.
A Collection of Separator Styles
A collection of separator styles for horizontally dividing sections on a website. The dividers are created using several techniques, including styling pseudo-elements, using gradients and inserting SVG graphics with responsiveness in mind. Source: A Collection of Separator Styles
Dot Navigation Styles
Dot Navigation StylesSubtle effects for simple dot navigation Source: Dot Navigation Styles
Inline Anchor Styles
Inline Anchor StylesModern styles and effects for links in a text flow Source: Inline Anchor Styles