Center align a container in IE

Today i faced a problem while trying to center align my main div in IE6.

The Problem

    margin:0 auto;

This made my div to align itself in the center in firefox and Internet Explorer 7 but, it failed to do the trick for IE6.

After some googling i found following solution on website. I added my “simple css hack” to make sure it was available only in Internet Explorer.

The Solution

     margin:0 auto;


That’s it, we are done this will center align the container in the center of the browser window

9 thoughts on “Center align a container in IE

  1. i dont know setting the following properties works for me


    That always seems to do the trick in IE and firefox.

  2. Amazing hack. I was pulling my hair out over this problem that the strict doctype would not solve as the padding is strange for IE6 for strange reasons.

    Thank you!

  3. Hi All,

    I would like to go with Piers Johnson – since when you make the DOCTYPE to Strict and if it is of HTML 4.0 then margin:0 auto; would work in all browsers.

    1. DOCTYPE – Default – HTML 4.0, margin:0 auto; would not work -> for this you need to add text-align:center;
    2. DOCTYPE – Strict – HTML 4.0, margin:0 auto; would work in all browsers
    3. DOCTYPE – Default – XHTML, margin:0 auto; would work like a charm

    This is what I have discovered, when I was working for a project. Its a good R&D for me – hope this might help others…..

    Vivek [Founder of]

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