I can see many of you are disappointed that Firefox 3 downloads does not actually starts on 17th June.
I am hearing people complaining about start time of the event. What most of you forgetting is that it is a 24 hours event. That means for most of the world it will actually end on 18th June.
As you already know that Firefox 3 Downloads starts at 10 AM PDT, check out your local time. This means for India it is 10.30 PM on 17th June.
If it is late for you please don’t fear, you don’t have to download it at exact this moment, you have full 24 hrs to do so. This means that the download day will finish at 10.30 PM on 18th June, check out your local time.
So just relax on 17th when you wake on 18th download it and you will contribute to Mozilla foundations aim to make it to Gunniess book of world records.
Thus even if the event might be US centric and they have the rights, after all maximum pledges are from US, at last count it was 244,798. This is a huge difference compared to 20k-30k from other Asian countries.
I will be downloading Firefox3 tomorrow, will you?
update 1:0 AM 18 June : managed to download and install firefox3(FF3), sad firebug does not work, tried to get to firebug website but it is down… grrh…
update 7:30 AM 18 June : finally firbug updated, everything working like charm.