Today i faced a problem while trying to center align my main div in IE6.
The Problem
#main { width:960px; margin:0 auto; }
This made my div to align itself in the center in firefox and Internet Explorer 7 but, it failed to do the trick for IE6.
After some googling i found following solution on website. I added my “simple css hack” to make sure it was available only in Internet Explorer.
The Solution
body { _text-align:center; } #main { width:960px; margin:0 auto; _text-align:left; }
That’s it, we are done this will center align the container in the center of the browser window
i dont know setting the following properties works for me
That always seems to do the trick in IE and firefox.
You don’t need to use that hack, if you use the strict DOCTYPE margin: 0 auto will work in IE6 as it would in all other browsers.
Dude your hack worked like a magic ….. Thanks man ….
Amazing hack. I was pulling my hair out over this problem that the strict doctype would not solve as the padding is strange for IE6 for strange reasons.
Thank you!
It’s an amazing trick! Thanks!
I agree with Piers Johnson says
This is the same as
margin:0 auto ;
ddduuuuhhh, its the shorthand
Hi All,
I would like to go with Piers Johnson – since when you make the DOCTYPE to Strict and if it is of HTML 4.0 then margin:0 auto; would work in all browsers.
1. DOCTYPE – Default – HTML 4.0, margin:0 auto; would not work -> for this you need to add text-align:center;
2. DOCTYPE – Strict – HTML 4.0, margin:0 auto; would work in all browsers
3. DOCTYPE – Default – XHTML, margin:0 auto; would work like a charm
This is what I have discovered, when I was working for a project. Its a good R&D for me – hope this might help others…..
Vivek [Founder of]
Thank you very much.