Ekerete Akpan, from AVNet Labs, released the results of his small experiment to measure the performance of four PHP frameworks.He used requests/sec as a performance yardstick, what it tells is that number of request your webserver can handle, if you use one of these frameworks.And the result of all his test says that between Zend Framework,CakePHP and CodeIgniter, CodeIgniter is the fastest one.This test validates my choice for going with CI as framework, instead of Zend.For detailed analysis checkout the original post.Update: Even Rasmus Lerdorf prefers CI over all the frameworks avilable.
Hello All
First of all thanks to all organizers to organize this camp.
and as a part of this camp i would like to thanks all the individual for attending the big event.
It was very gud experience. n wish i’ll attend more php camps with more PHP guys.
Amit, my pic is missing… put up another one…
@varun abhi khush..
Hey Amit,
You did it dude 🙂
Indeed it was a great success.
But i missed 2 things:
1. A session from a PHP Guru
2. A session on J2EE vs PHP, were i was planning to contribute
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Amit, we did it. Everyone who attended liked it. That’s a Success ratio of 99 % or we say 100 %.
if you will ask me, then success ratio is 100%
Wow. Thats interesting that you left PHPulse out. Because they blow Codeigniter out of the water. Have for awhile. They were even mentioned on the Codeigniter forums. Check out the benchmarks for yourself and run them on your own…
Up-to-date results can be found on http://adventure-php-framework.org/Page/103-Yii-vs-apf and http://www.yiiframework.com/performance. CI is not really the fastest framework … 😉
Why have you left out Symfony from your results?
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On devshed they just published a new speed test, of 7 PHP frameworks
the faster are doophp and rainframework, two new (?) mvc framework, are they good?