The List of 5 Pune Tech Events and Their Twitter Accounts

After creating a list of people, who are very active in Pune tech scene, to follow on twitter, I thought a list of technology events happening in Pune with their own twitter account is also due. twitter

So here is the list of events with their twitter accounts

  1. Barcamp Pune @barcamppune
  2. PHPCamp @phpcamp
  3. ClubHack @clubhack
  4. JoomlaDay Pune @jugpune
  5. OpenSocial Developer Garage @devgarage
  6. Gnunify @gnunify (tip by @abhisheknagar)
  7. Pune Flex User Group @punefug (added on 28th Feb 2009)

Off course there are more events happening in Pune, but these five seven have a Twitter account that I know off.

If you want to keep an eye on other events without twitter accounts, then you should follow, following twitter accounts which live tweets tech events most of the time.

  1. @punetech
  2. Pune Tech Live @punetechlive
  3. Dhananjay Nene @dnene_liveblog

If I am missing any event with twitter account from this list or any one who live tweet the tech events then leave a comment with their twitter ID, along with yours so that we know.