3 Common Mistakes Newbie Entrepreneurs Make

I was in Mumbai last month for WordCamp, where I spent almost 3 hours talking to Annkur late in night and we ended up comparing notes on our entrepreneurial journey. Following Article is written by Annkur based on that discussion. After over 10 years of being an entrepreneur and seeing highs and lows of being […]

Who is the Intended Audience of WordCamp?

Is it Developers?  Is it bloggers?  Is it students? Is it people building there own websites? Since last 3-4 WordCamps that has happened in India and the discussion that has followed at the end of those camps has finally forced me to share my concerns and understanding about intended audience. I believe that the intended […]

Who is the driver in your team?

Driver is usually the person with the agenda who keeps team together, focused on the task at hand and making sure team is going in the direction he wants. If you want something done by your team then you need to be the driver. In a team settings, we all know the importance being a […]

Are You Worthy Of Your Dreams?

I have been thinking about my journey of last three years as an entrepreneur,  and various easy and hard times that I have seen. Wondering what makes few people achieve their dreams while few people fail to achieve it? What I have come to realize (or rationalize for me ) is that whatever your dreams […]

Why PHP is So Popular on Web?

If you ever wondered why the hell PHP is so popular on the web when there are better and powerful languages available? Well, the answer is very simple, It is only language that allows even musicians to build sites for themselves. By the way that is also the reason why WordPress has become the king […]

Aspiring WordPress Developers Read These Articles First

If you are starting with WordPress Plugin or theme development, or want to know where to start then here is a small list of articles that you should read, some of them should be always open in your browser, and some of them in your RSS reader.       Documentation and Help 1) http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference: […]