Fix ‘Blank page’ problem aka White Screen of Death

This is another interesting problem that baffles the novice PHP programmers. We make a quick change, and upload the file to webserver, we access the webapge and your are presented with a blank white page, aka ‘white screen of death’. It does not even show any error message. We end up thinking what happened, we […]

Enable Your Joomla To Write In Hindi, Marathi, Bengoli, Gujarati, Malyalam, Telugu and Punjabi

UPDATE: This article is compatible only upto Joomla 1.5.12. I will make it compatible to latest version of Joomla as soon as i have time. Thank you. Recently I was required to give a presentation to an agricultural college, they wanted to create a website for their college in Marathi, which resulted in akIndicPlugin for […]

akIndicPlugin For Writing In Hindi, Gujarati, Malayalam And Other Indian Languages

For those in hurry,  download [download#13#nohits] now. akIndicPlugin was born, when I needed to demo a website in Hindi. This plugin is adapted from a WordPress plugin Indic by nbachiyski, which is is actually based on Gamabhana library written by Omkar Joshi. I adapted it so that I can use it in my websites. As […]

How to Remove Antivirus XP 2008

I hate these spywares, they keep finding ways to sneak into my system every now and then. Earlier it was “New Folder.exe” and then these other irritating viruses, and now Antivirus XP 2008. Thanks god this time my Avast was able to detect the virus and delete it. But the real problem was, the moment […]