This is another interesting problem that baffles the novice PHP programmers. We make a quick change, and upload the file to webserver, we access the webapge and your are presented with a blank white page, aka ‘white screen of death’. It does not even show any error message. We end up thinking what happened, we […]
Category Archives: php
Enable Your Joomla To Write In Hindi, Marathi, Bengoli, Gujarati, Malyalam, Telugu and Punjabi
UPDATE: This article is compatible only upto Joomla 1.5.12. I will make it compatible to latest version of Joomla as soon as i have time. Thank you. Recently I was required to give a presentation to an agricultural college, they wanted to create a website for their college in Marathi, which resulted in akIndicPlugin for […]
Solution To Session Timing Out Intermittently
A month back I had written about why your session might not be setting, even though you had set every thing as per the book. This time I am writing about a new problem that I faced with sessions. The Problem I recently faced a problem, where for some reason website would not remember session […]
CodeIgniter is the fastest PHP framework
Ekerete Akpan, from AVNet Labs, released the results of his small experiment to measure the performance of four PHP frameworks.He used requests/sec as a performance yardstick, what it tells is that number of request your webserver can handle, if you use one of these frameworks.And the result of all his test says that between Zend […]
PHP Sucks
It seems like their is a new Cool wave flowing in the developer community which involves finding reasons to say PHP sucks. Everyone worth his salt is trying to get ahead in finding new reasons to put it down. So I thought why not I compile some of the good articles from bunch of these […]
Reading/Parsing Excel Spreadsheet using PHP
This is second article in the series of common PHP problems that a beginner faces. You can check the first article Warning: header data already sent. In this tutorial we will see, how we can easily parse or read an Excel sheet and display the parsed data to user. Even though we are going to […]
5 key skills of a successful web application developer
Most probably you will be knowing about all these skills already, it is common sense, still I have found so many developers who just know just one server side language(usually java or .net) and then they think themselves as superman/superwoman. In web application development, that is just one thing. You need to know about lot […]
How to create multicolor text image on the fly
This tutorial explains how we can create dynamic images with multicolor text in PHP. We will need GD library and FreeType library to be enabled for this functionality to work. I have assumed that you already know PHP, and understand how to use it. Check the example below to see what we want to create. […]
Simplified AJAX For WordPress Plugin Developers using Jquery
I am assuming you know how to write a WordPress plugin, and now you are wondering how to use ajax to add that sexy feature that will make your plugin look a bit kool. I faced the same problem, with my akWpUploder plugin. I googled but could not find anything interesting, or should I say, […]