Update : this article is only relevant to Drupal 5.x, with coming of Drupal 7 this is completely out dated. I am guessing you must have created lot’s of html forms before, now you have started using Drupal and wondering how to create forms in Drupal and process them. If this is so then read on…. What […]
Category Archives: php
ADS: Automatic Deployment Script
Note for lazy people : download ADS from Source forge now. Description Automatic Deployment Script is a tool to help web developers who use SVN for version control. It automatically updates the demo server with changes as soon as they commit changes to repository. It makes our life easier as web developer, when we […]
akWpUploader: Alternative WordPress Image Uploader
For those in hurry, download the latest version of [download#2#nohits] from wordpress plugin page. UPDATE (25 August 2009): I have released the version 1.1.0 and made it comaptible with WordPress 2.8. UPDATE: I have released 0.7.1 of this plugin, with this i consider it to be good enough for general uses, Please help me test […]
New Zealand Daylight Savings Time (DST) has changed
just wanted to post a quick note about this, originally it was supposed to finish on 16th march but it has being extended to 3rd April. if your php script is giving you one hour late time then here is the solution just update your timezone database from http://pecl.php.net/package/timezonedb you might need to compile it […]
Joomla 1.0.x : How it works
I gave this presentation in skills camp pune last year. I am sharing the slides here, in hope some one still find it useful even though joomla 1.5 is released last month. In this presentation I talked about how Request flow in a joomla application. I also explained the entity relationship diagram (ERD) of joomla, […]
Enterprise PHP
I will not say anything but let Ivo Jansch speak for us in this slide show.