Fifth edition of Barcamp Pune is here(on 29th Nov actually) at SICSR, model Colony. This time the theme of the event is ‘Back To Basics’ initially it was supposed to mean that focus of this event would be teach basics of technology to youngsters, but with time, its meaning changed to represent ‘No Frills Camp’. […]
Drupal Goes Indic Using akIndicPlugin
Abhishek has written, how you can integrate my akIndicPlugin for TinyMCE to Drupal. I have already written how you can integrate this to Joomla.
I Am Good But….
You must have heard this phrase form your friends, colleagues or candidates, while explaining the reasons of why they have don’t have success. I am for sure used these excuses during early days of my career, before I realized my mistake. So what are the excuses I am talking about? Well, here they are My […]
akTweeter Simplest Way To Show Tweets
For those in hurry download [download#16#nohits] now. It is a simple Joomla 1.5 module to display Tweets on a topic or event. What it does? akTweeter uses Twitter search to show latest 5 tweets, on any topic that you want to show tweets about. It is useful if you want to display tweets on some […]
Opensocial Developer Garage
During PHPCamp Pune 08 we saw lots of interest in Opensocial, so some campers decided to give Opensocial it’s due. We are now organizing first edition of Opensocial Developer Garage in Pune on 20th December 2008. So get over to and register yourself as soon as possible, as this is invite only event and […]
Joomla: Request To Response
To do development work in any framework, it is a good idea to first study the request flow. This basically answers the question ‘what happens between request send to server and request received from the server?’. COPYRIGHT NOTICE I have made the Flow Diagram available here for public use and/or modifications, as long as you […]
Parsing RSS Feeds Inside Your Joomla Modules or Components
In Joomla 1.0.x it was a bit difficult to parse a RSS feed file inside you component. If you wanted to do that you need to include either SimplePie or some other RSS parsing library inside your component. This is not the difficult part, difficult part was that, it might conflict with some other component […]
10 Things I Gained At PHPCamp
When I returned home after PHPCamp, my younger sister asked me what was my benefit in organizing the event when I did not gave any talks. I thought that their would be others who would like to know about this, so here are 10 things I gained at PHPCamp without giving any talks. 1. Do […]
PHPCamp: India’s Biggest Unconference
I have just returned after un-organizing India’s biggest un-conference. 1212 people registered before we closed the registrations yesterday at 7.30pm. Today despite heavy rains, 700+ people from Mumbai, Ahmadnagar, Nasik, Pune and Bangalore turned up. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Symbiosis(SICSR) students and Pune IT Labs Volunteers who did all the […]
PHPCamp in Pune Mirror
News about PHP and PHPCamp was published in today’s Pune Mirror. Their is just one mistake though, MySpace[:( ] is not in PHP. It’s my mistake, I conveyed the wrong information while disscussing[i still can’t figure out from where ‘myspace is in php’ came to my mind] with reporter, stupid me 🙁 . I regret […]